October 8, 2005

Visiting Family

Well I have returned from visiting my grandparents.It was great to see them again and catch up on the events around their area.My cousins Chris and his wife Sherrie,and Kevin with girlfriend Amanda both have babies.And they are soooo cute.Zoe is 9 months and the happiest baby I've seen in a while.Sarah is 5 months, she is so adorable. :)Its still hard to believe my cousins really have children though lol.
Travelling for the most part was really nice. It was the perfect time for all the leaves to be changing to autumn colour.A good part of the trip back was over steep hills, so we would be at the top of one and look over rolling hills that were gorgeous mixtures of red,yellow,orange,purple and green.
We also did a bunch of shopping in various cities - which included a lot of walking . :P
On the way back we picked up my brother from college and I am looking forward to a big Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night,and getting resettled back in the comfort of familiar surroundings.