November 29, 2005

Fluffy White Stuff

Well it really snowed last night. :) At least about six inches.I suppose that means I need to go clean off the cars and shovel the driveway. :p Ah well, its part of winter right?And Christmas just would not be the same without a lovely blanket of that fluffy white stuff.Have a great day one and all!

November 17, 2005

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

Such is happening as winter once again descends upon us...winter coats, snow shovels, car brushes,salt ...all get dug out of their summer hiding places to make the cold a little more livable.There is indeed a long list of drawbacks to this winter business such as icy roads, frosty cars,snowdrifts for walkways, frozen name a few.Ah, but then there are the benefits. :)
It is hard to beat the experience of building a snowman with various friends and kids, then engaging in a snowball fight, before trekking inside to discard snowsuits, hats and so forth by a crackling fire and heading upstairs to hot chocolate and fresh chocolate chip cookies.
Also comparable to that is taking a solitary stroll in the quiet of the woods with the cheery sound of birds to break the silence,the white landscape to relax your eyes,and thoughts of God and His works to fill your mind.
Now as of yet this winter I am still experiencing the frosty car and snowdrift sidewalks side of the season.:p But I have no doubt that I will enjoy the better parts of the cold as well which balances everything out quite nicely.Until then...
let it snow,let it snow,let it snow!

November 11, 2005

A friend is

- someone who 'covers' you (your flaws, faults, sins) instead of exposing you (prov.17:9)
- someone who sticks by your side, even at their own risk
- someone who respects you
- someone who keeps your secrets
- someone who takes care of you when you can't take care of yourself
- someone who laughs with you
- someone who cries with you
- someone who carries your burdens
- someone who lets you carry their burdens
- someone who challenges you to grow closer to Jesus
- someone who praises you, but doesn't flatter you
- someone who cheers for you and encourages you
- someone who believes in you
- someone who dreams with you and doesn't discourage your visions and dreams
- someone who walks with you through hard times
- someone who tells you the truth and corrects you when you need it (prov. 27:6)
- someone who fights for you and alongside you (and sometimes with you! hehe)
- someone who rescues you when you need it
- someone who is proud of you and proud to be your friend
- someone who is not ashamed of you or your past mistakes
- someone who just 'gets you' ...understands you
- someone who promotes you and your destiny more than their own (Jonathan/David)
- someone who knows you and all your flaws, and loves you anyway
-- originally posted by Tess on Worthy boards.Thanks Tess, you are wise for your years. :)

November 10, 2005

He Touched Me

Shackled by a heavy burden,
'Neath a load of guilt and shame,
Then the hand of Jesus touched me,
and now I am no longer the same. Posted by Picasa

November 8, 2005

That we may be to the praise of His glory

"Sometimes I feel discouraged and feel my work's in vain..."

but then I stumble over a variation of some verses in Ephesians 1:

"Grace to you,
From Jesus Christ our Savior,
He's redeemed us through His blood,
Grace to you.
Peace to you,
From God, our heav'nly Father,
Every blessing flows from Him,
Peace to you,
Peace to you.

Even as He chose us
Before the world's creation
To be holy and blameless
Before Him in love,
He's adopted us as His very own
Through Jesus to Himself by His good pleasure."

...and I'm reminded why I'm here and have no room to complain.

To Desire Him

"..Does seeking your own happiness sound self-centered?Aren't Christians supposed to seek God, not their own pleasure? To answer this question we need to understand a crucial truth about pleasure-seeking (hedonism): we value most what we delight in most. Pleasure is not God's competitor, idols are. Pleasure is simply a gauge that measures how valuable someone or something is to us. Pleasure is the measure of our treasure.
We know this intuitively. If a friend says to you, "I really enjoy being with you," you wouldn't accuse him of being self-centered. Why? Because your friend's delight in you is the evidence that you have great value in his heart. In fact, you'd be dishonored if he didn't experience any pleasure in your friendship. The same is true of God. If God is the source of our greatest delight then God is our most precious treasure; which makes us radically God-centered and not self-centered. And if we treasure God most, we glorify Him most."
- Desiring God Ministries

November 3, 2005

Hey Ronnie thanks for all your comments, they are fun to read.

Well the past week has been pretty busy with work and our missions conference.Work is not without its challenges but I was surprised at how easily I got back into the routine.I am already tired of listening to the same rock songs over and over again,the problem is the repetition plants them in my mind when I don't want them there. The good news is I've already had a few opportunities to plant seeds and witness and I am praying those doors will continue to open.
The last couple days I've ordered several books.Some are ones good friends recommended, others were ones I wanted and just 'happened' to stumble over. They should all arrive at about the same time so I will definitely have enough reading to keep me occupied for a while.:p I will let you all know what I think of 'Don't waste your life' and 'Chosen by God'.
Does anyone else think that November came up really fast? It is hard to believe that 2005 is almost over.Why at this rate I'll be as ancient as Ron in a very short time.
An interesting note, because of the size and quality of my grampa's lawn, it is a daily occurence to see two or three deer eating our grass.If they stick around during the winter I should try taming one of them. :p
Now as one of my favorite authors always says:
God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.

Shepherd of Love

This is one of my favorite songs to play or sing..

"Shepherd of Love, You knew I had lost my way;Shepherd of Love, You cared that I'd gone astray.You sought and found me, placed around meStrong arms that carried me home;No foe can harm me or alarm me, never again will I roam!
Shepherd of love, contentment at last is mine;Deep in my heart, there's peace and a joy divine.The future's brighter, burden's lighter,My cup runs over each day;Your grace supplied me, now provides me all that I need for the way.
Shepherd of Love, my Savior and Lord and Guide;Shepherd of Love, forever I'll stay by Your side.You sought and found me, placed around meStrong arms that carried me home;No foe can harm me, or alarm me, never again will I roam!
Shepherd of Love, my Savior and Lord and Guide,Shepherd of Love, forever I'll stay by Your side."