June 30, 2007

Calvary Calls

watching the sunset from Coney Island

I could squandor my existence, live my life in search of ease, giving all my days to gaining men's applause. Thinking only of myself and all that pleases me, but Calvary calls, Calvary calls.
In the mumbling of a stranger, in the clamour of a crowd, I can hear the constant cry above it all. Sometimes it's just a whisper, at times it seems so loud - but Calvary calls, Calvary calls.
Calvary calls me to surrender, Calvary calls me to obey; and to a dying world it calls me to be a light along the way. For the cross demands allegiance, I'll give nothing less than all; I'll answer "Here am I" when Calvary calls.
If I see a brother broken by defeat and left to die, but no one comes to help him when he falls, let me be the arms of mercy reaching out in Jesus' name, when Calvary calls, Calvary calls.
Calvary calls me to surrender, Calvary calls me to obey; and to a dying world it calls me to be a light along the way. For the cross demands allegiance, I'll give nothing less than all; I'll answer " Here am I" when Calvary calls.

~ Looks Like Love by Tim, a CD produced from The Brooklyn Tabernacle. He sang this song as a special one Sunday while I was there. ~

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