February 6, 2007

Still a Sin?

The following quote was taking from an article written by Warren Throckmorton. You can find the rest of the story @ http://beta.crosswalk.com/pastors/1466073/

Mr.Throckmorton said:

...However, he does not think he was born gay, either. He understands why people would think that since he has always been aware of liking guys.
“I don’t know why I have these feelings but it may have something to do with being awkward as a kid and never fitting in with other boys. That’s just one possibility.”
The real breakthrough came, however, when he put the why question aside, pursued a more open relationship with his wife and sought a different kind of help. Instead of focusing on why he had the feelings or what was wrong with him, his counselor helped him pursue living a valued life.
[Jim explained] I began working with a counselor had lots of experience in helping people change behavior. He correctly pointed out that it's not about "being cured" from homosexual attractions, but rather, it is about how I live. That major paradigm shift has been so helpful, I cannot begin to fully describe it. As we have explored issues, things have gotten better, but I still have very difficult moments. Does that mean God is unable to fix me? Hardly. What it means is that this life is difficult, and my difficulty is just different from, not worse than, the "average" next guy. That's just the way it is.

Am I the only one who sees a grave problem with this article? Mr.Throckmorton is addressing Pastors and Church Leadership, but he is hardly teaching Biblical truth here. Is this what we can expect to hear from the pulpit in the future? Let us hope the vast majority of preachers will see the major flaws in his viewpoint and reject it wholeheartedly.
What is my issue with Mr.Throckmorton's beliefs? Simply, the fact he is teaching something quite against that which is spelled out for us in Scripture. God is specific when He says that homosexuality is grave sin and the result of rebellion against Him. I would encourage you to study the topic for yourself, but for the sake of argument allow me to paste a few verses:

"Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. " Romans 1:24-28

In those verses you will find no pop psychological excuse for immorality. There is no way around the fact which the Bible is firm on. Homosexuality is sin. It is not just sexual orientation. It is not just something you are born with. It is not just the result of bad upbringing. It is a choice and not acceptable to God.
Sadly, today's church is listening more and more to what society says and less and less to what God instructs. The majority of wishy-washy Christianity today is more afraid of what man thinks of them, than of what God thinks of them. This is a grave mistake.
When we turn our ears away from the clear teaching of the Word, and listen instead to sinful man we set ourselves up to fall into many pits of deception. I submit to you that one of those pits is the new thinking on homosexuality. By allowing this new acceptance in it's doors, the church is in direct violation of God's Word. The church is also letting it's bright and shining light grow dimmer and dimmer.
Another danger with Mr.Throckmorton's viewpoint is it teaches the wrong approach to sin. Jim, to his credit, does see that his '"attractions" are wrong. He does seek help. His counselor however, simply talks about changing behaviour. There really is no mention of sin or the consequences that result from it. In contrast the Bible teaches us to take radical action with radical sin. If you or I have a sin that is plaguing us and is seeming unshakeable, it teaches us to turn to God to change our hearts, and then take drastic measures to rid ourselves of that sin.
In summary, Mr.Throckmorton's article is an attractive "solution" to the seeming problem of reconciling the Bible with modern teaching on homosexuality. Attractive though it may be, he still teaches that which is contrary to the Word. Therefore we must reject it and hold to that which is the truth.


Anonymous said...

Where do you get the idea that Jim does not take steps to avoid sin in his life? By analogy, you would render any temptation as a sin something that cannot be reconciled with Scripture. You seem to make being tempted with homosexual desire on some different plane as temptation to do anything else that misses the mark of God's standard.

Anonymous said...

I am mildly curious as to how you discovered my blog just hours after I posted it.
The aim of my statements was to point out the contrast between your view of homosexuality and that of the Bible. I have, and had, no intention of discussing Jim's response to his own attractions.

Ronald said...

I also find it odd that there's no mention of sin! Jesus was a radical when it came to sin-if you eye offends you, pluck it out! He didn't say go seek counseling and try to come to terms with your desire to sin! The Bible says were are to FLEE fornication, not try to discover why we want to do it! Homosexuality is a sin, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Here is what I quoted Jim as saying: "I wrestled with the question of what my faith teaches, what do I believe, and no matter how many different ways I look at it, I cannot reconcile my sexual attractions with my faith,” he explained."

Sounds pretty clear to me.

Hannah said...

And as I said, my post was in regards to your viewpoint on homosexuality as contrasted to the Bible, not about Jim.