February 12, 2007

Modern Christianity

This is an actual chatroom conversation.I omitted all non-topic related comments or comings and goings from chat of course.But what you see told to the seeker, was exactly what was told them, or was up unto I left the room.
This conversation bothered me greatly. How can Christians just tell someone to pray a prayer and they will be saved? Do they not understand what repentance and belief truly is, or that it is the foundation of salvation? And that a person does not get saved just by quoting some 'prayer'? Besides that, there is no sinner's prayer in the Bible. "Dear Jesus come into my heart and save me, forgive me of my sins and help me live for you. " does not save anyone. There must first be a work of the Holy Spirit in the heart to convict and show the person their need of Him.
Besides all that, where in this conversation was the gospel presented?? It would appear everyone assumed this person already knew the gospel message , for no effort was made to share of Christ's atonement, His death, or His resurrection. There was also no check made to see that the seeker understood how and why they were a sinner, and exactly why they needed to repent of it.
It's at times like these when I am glad it is neither you nor I that saves anyone. Thankfully, God can and will save people in spite of the dreadfully inaccurate presentations given to them by modern Christianity.


Non-Christian - I dont even really understand what a Christian is so I dont know if I am one

Person A - Do you have a relationship with God ?

Person B - I got saved when I was 6 yrs old...if you understand the sinners prayer..and mean it from your heart...it doesnt matter what age..amen!

Person C - A Christian is someone that is saved that has accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour

Person B - amen you said it right !

NonChristian 2 to NonChristian 1 - Im not christian but if you dont understand what being a christian is please check it out first .. im not saying dont become one ...but at least find out what it means first

Person D - A Chrisitan is someone who has repented and turned from their sins and trusted in Christ to pay for their sin

Person B - amen

Person B to NonChristian 2 - you dont know if you are a christian or not?

NonChristian 2 - no, Im not one

Person B - ..so you dont know if you want to be one or not?

NonChristian 2 - too long of a story

Person B - you feel like you dont want to be a christian anymore...mind me asking why?

NonChristian 1 - what would I say if I wanted to have this Jesus in my life?

Person A - you ask him

Person D - no, you see your sin and repent

Person A - you need to have a relationship with him

Person E - just ask him to come into your heart, to forgive your sins , He loves you so much

Person A - all he asks of you is that you see your sin ...than forget your a sinner...accept him..and love him

NonChristian 1 - ..will he like talk back to me or something?

Person B - ..just say it out loud..god..I want to believe in you..and I ask you to forgive me..of sins I have done..and I ask you dear Jesus, Gods son..to come into my life, and save me

Person A - yes

Person E - thats it

Person A - if you listen He talks back

Person D - * runs from room screaming


Anonymous said...

From Kyle: The sad part is is the other non Christian had to tell the first non Christian to check things out before becoming a Christian. I totally agree, it is not a car sale or just a snap of the finger and you're saved.


Anonymous said...

Well written and well said, Hannah...sadly, I agree. This is becoming more and more the case with "modern day" Christianity. I know I've said this before, but so many believe either 1) It's just as simple as the Sinner's Prayer or 2) As soon as they find Christ, they are self-appointed "Kingdom Monitors," guarding the gates of Heaven from the riff-raff. Funny thing, those are the very people Christ came to save...