If you could be granted one wish, what would you wish for? Would it be a full bank account? A house on the ocean? A new body? Or would you set your sights on something more worthy, more lasting, and much more valuable?
What we desire and seek after reveals the true nature of our heart; for Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6 that "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." If you focus only on temporal things such as money, possessions or education you are revealing that you are trying to find satisfaction and happiness in things which are worthless in the light of eternity. You are making a treasure of that which will be destroyed.
So what is a lasting treasure? What is something you could put a value on, prize, and know that it would last for eternity? Ah, Jesus has the answer for that as well in Matthew 13, " Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."
Christ is comparing the gospel to a great treasure over which a man rejoices exceedingly, and nothing is too much to give to obtain it. The Gospel is a treasure because it is the message of how Christ has paid the price to redeem you from hell and give you access to the Father.
We as fallen humans are under the righteous judgment of God for our willful disobedience of His laws and stubborn refusal to submit to Him. But God who is rich in mercy sacrificed His own Son as an atonement for sin and now bids you repent and believe in Him for salvation. Turn from your sin and cling to Christ as your only hope to be saved from the wrath of the God you have rebelled against. Hebrews says, " For it is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgment." The time of reckoning is drawing near, and you will be judged for your sin if you do not turn to Christ as the only way to God. In His great love He bids you to come, extends a full and free forgiveness and cleansing of sin through the shed blood of His Son. This is a treasure worth having!
Full pardon of sin, a deep and personal relationship with a God who delights in doing good to those He has redeemed, a home being prepared in heaven by Christ...
Is not this treasure infinitely better than things of earth? Yes, it is a priceless treasure and so much so that all those other things seem but vain and empty in comparision. Things of earth are gladly exchanged so that we might share the good news of the Gospel in all the corners of the earth.
God is our true treasure and ought to be our true delight, all other things which we attempt to put in His place will but fall by the wayside, useless.
September 7, 2007
The True Treasure
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Great Post!
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