June 25, 2007

the yellow taxis of times square

The steady and never-ending stream of taxis rush by with their passengers, anxious to get to yet another destination on the hectic daily schedule. Rushing, always rushing, without a moment's thought to the only things that matter, to the only things worth living for. Oblivious to all but the day's trials, tomorrow's headaches and yesterday's sorrows. Never stopping to see that they are but running headlong for sure destruction, throwing their gift of life away to temporary thrills and griefs.
A warning sounds out. Halt! Give you no thought to eternity? Care you not for your soul? Does not the condition of your heart before a holy God concern you? But alas they are too busy and harried to stop and consider, and with a mumbled word they push on to be lost again in the sea of people. There, yet another has thrown away their soul for a mere trifle here on earth.
But here stands the Gospel, deep and penetrating in its conviction and earnest in its call. Proclaim the truth loud and clear and leave to God the drawing of His own. To all men therefore let us send out the message that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners, and plead with them to repent of their ways and seek Him while He might be found of them. With mercy and compassion mingled with prayer, let us share fervently the message of salvation, that they might see their need and turn from destruction.
For here, oh Christian, in the hurried and unheeding crowd you will find the one who will humbly and earnestly listen to your plea. Their hardened heart softened by the Spirit, with openness they will see God's grace in the sacrifice of His Son and believe in Him who is their only hope and salvation. Then you will know that your labour is not in vain for the Lord, for His compassions are new every morning and His mercy is limitless; and He delights in redeeming us to Himself.
Don't waste your life! Throw it not away with the mindless crowd and the day's amusements. Rather spend your life in abandonment for the cause of Christ, that the gospel may go forth to all the nations and His glory be spread abroad through all the earth.

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