April 22, 2007

Sorrow? God is your comfort

The last week has been a hard one for many. Senseless bombings shredded public markets and buildings in Iraq, claiming dozens of lives. In Virginia, a college was left reeling in shock after a gunman ripped classrooms apart with a spray of bullets. And in Turkey, the tiny Christian population was devastated by the slaughter of three of it's own.
What to say in the face of this? Indeed, what should we as Christians say?
First, remember that God is sovereign. No matter what befall us, nothing takes Him by surprise and all is under His control. In the midst of sorrow and anguish we can rest in the knowledge of His care of and love for us. When things seem to go horribly wrong, open your Bible to Isaiah 40 and let the reminders of God's sovereignty comfort and uplift you.
Second, remember that God is perfect justice. The perpetrators of this evil will not go unpunished. Psalm 37 assures the righteous that the wicked will have their reward and that their apparent prosperity is fleeting. Truly, "shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" Rest, oh Christian, in the knowledge that your Father will deal rightly with all sin.
Third, remember that compared to eternity, life is gone in an instant. Our time on earth is as a vapour, given as a gift by God to be spent for him. Jim Elliot died at the hands of the Auca Indians but his was a life not wasted. No, for he lived the truth of what he said: "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." In the same manner we need to keep our eyes on Christ and off the temporal. If we give our lives for Christ it is not a waste. If we must watch our friends die for Him, let us not mourn but rather rejoice that they are glorifying God whether in life or in death.
Fourth, turn to God for your comfort and peace. Only He can give joy in the midst of sorrow. His compassion is new every morning and great is his tenderness toward you. In Psalm 42, David wonders why he is cast down in spirit. The Psalmist reminds himself that even in the deepest grief, God is his hope and he can praise Him in the storm. Take this Scripture and apply it to your life, let it calm the tears and sooth the hurt. Cast your burden upon the Lord for He will sustain and strength you.

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Romans 8:18

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