"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." 1 Cor 2:9
That's quite the thought isn't it?We haven't even imagined, let alone begun to imagine, the things God has prepared for us.
Its rather amazing to think that God would bestow so much undeserved love and care on people who scorn Him and spurn His authority.I mean, not only does He show love, mercy, and grace by giving salvation...but He goes beyond that and demonstrates tenderness and generosity by showering us with blessings.
In this life, He gives physical blessings but more importantly spiritual blessings.Have you stopped to consider the privilege it is to pray?To know that anytime of day you can stop and talk to your Father and know that He is ever listening, and Christ is ever interceding?Or what of peace? Can anyone put a price on peace?People spend their entire lives looking in all the wrong places for something God gives so abundantly.These are to name but two of all the gifts God gives from day to day.
And in eternity...what an awesome thought!To think that for age upon age..for all eternity - uncomprehendible to our feeble mind - we will be enjoying and worshipping God. It's a hard thing to fully grasp isn't it?Eternal security - to be ever with God in the perfection of heaven.And yet here in this verse He promises things that we haven't even come close to imagining.Wow..
December 22, 2005
1 Corinthians 2:9
December 16, 2005
Our God is an awesome God
Wow its been a while since I posted I guess :p
Well last week was a hard week emotionally,physically, spiritually.There were a lot of things happening at once with friends, I was greatly lacking sleep, and I started focusing on all the problems instead of on Christ.It was feeling overwhelming..one friend was going thru a major crisis that took a lot of talking,praying,and witnessing...I didn't have anyone I could share all my thoughts and worries with...it was just hard to do by myself.So seeing as how I was being hard on myself emotionally and physically I made myself sick :p and spent a few days just catching up on sleep and resting.
On the second day God got my attention.He showed me how I'd gotten too busy trying to do it myself and not given it to Him enough.Getting sick was actually good for me, it made me stop and refocus, and get back on track.I realized that its hard to be a good testimony or witness if you are worn out and depressed.So I was able to relax some and pray a lot more about the problems and stresses...to stop trying to do it all in my own strength.
And early this morning I was reminded again just how awesome our God is, when my friend got saved!I'd been praying for that for months...and yet when God answered that prayer I was just in total shock.It was hard to believe it actually happened.His ways are exciting to watch. All I can say is, thanks be to God.I'm excited about my friend's future and where God is taking him. I have no doubt God has a plan for his life.
All these events brought this again to my mind:
Consider this..mankind is so wicked and so rebellious against God.Yet He choses to reach down and save us from our pain and sin anyway.He didnt have to - His justice required that He leave us to what we deserve.Yet His love is equal to His justice.So this perfect balance planned a redemption that would satisfy justice while at the same time giving a grand display of perfect love.Is not this an awesome God we serve?