Tonight at church one of the speakers was an 89 year old man who's spent his life sharing Christ with men in the bush camps and outlying areas around here.He has an amazing wealth of Bible verses committed to memory.He'll get up to preach, and just start quoting verses, dead accurate, all pertaining to his theme. He says it with such emphasis and enthusiasm too, it is really encouraging to listen to.Every time I hear him I always come away refreshed and convicted.God truly has used him greatly. :)
October 29, 2005
October 23, 2005
Time Flies..
Wow can you believe that October is almost over? It seems it just got going and already it is the 23rd.My brother is 19 today - that is hard to believe.Before you know it will be Christmas and Ron will have to sing carols in chat. :p I think I'm going to have to ask Jade about getting him to do all have a great rest of the day ok?And remember...' all things were created by Him, and for Him. And He is before all things, and by Him all things consist.'
October 20, 2005
Work is boring, tiring,fun,challenging, interesting......its just more of a learning experience.No matter where we are or what is happening to us, God is good all the time.
October 17, 2005
My Birthday Excursion
Ok so Saturday we headed out about 6 am in the morning to drive four hours to the city.We got there on time, but it was a bit of a challenge finding the music store :p.After lunch we went to the mall and spent 3 and a half hours looping it about 8 times I think lol.We found most of the things we were looking for and some things that we didn't need.Then a quick supper and fillup and we beat the dark getting out of the city.I hate driving in the city when its dark you see. Now the drive home was interesting because of all the deer.I saw a lot of them lol, and some too close for comfort.So to stay awake we turned the music up loud, drank mountain dew :x, and talked a lot.We made it home safe by 11 and I didn't even speed.It was just really special to have someone to spend the day hanging out with like that, I've never really done that much. And Madelaine is an awesome friend, I really appreciate getting to know her.It was a great birthday.
October 12, 2005
In Christ Alone
"In Christ alone my hope is found.He is my light, my strength, my song.This Cornerstone, this solid ground,firm through the fiercest drought and storm.What heights of love, what depths of peace!When fears are stilled, when strivings cease.My Comforter, my All in All,here in the love of Christ I stand."
October 11, 2005
Jeremiah 29:11-13
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."
October 10, 2005
Thanksgiving weekend
Wow this has been a busy weekend.Saturday afternoon we headed to my parents for Thanksgiving dinner with a total of 16 people.It was a really nice day so we all enjoyed the outdoors and the time together.Afterward we went and froze while watching our church hockey team practice for the tournament in the spring. :p
Sunday afternoon it was another lovely day so my friend,her little brother, my brother and I went canoeing.My dad was also out boating with my little sister so the guys decided to try towing the canoe with the boat.The short story is that the canoe ended up capsizing and throwing my friend and brother into the water. The water was very cold but they were able to get in the boat.So it made for an interesting turn of events!Thankfully they were fine except for being chilled to the bone.
Today was yet another nice day so my family came over and we went for a bike ride around the neighborhood.After a barbeque lunch my brother and I went for a leisurely walk in the woods before he headed back to college.
You know the more time I take to think about it the more I realize just how blessed I am.I live in a beautiful country, I am free to worship God, I have an awesome family,I have my health and so much more....
So next time all the problems in your life seem to come crashing down, try to stop a moment and thank God for all the blessings He has given you.You know that old song ' count your many blessings and it will surprise you what the Lord hath done' really is true. :)
October 8, 2005
Visiting Family
Well I have returned from visiting my grandparents.It was great to see them again and catch up on the events around their area.My cousins Chris and his wife Sherrie,and Kevin with girlfriend Amanda both have babies.And they are soooo cute.Zoe is 9 months and the happiest baby I've seen in a while.Sarah is 5 months, she is so adorable. :)Its still hard to believe my cousins really have children though lol.
Travelling for the most part was really nice. It was the perfect time for all the leaves to be changing to autumn colour.A good part of the trip back was over steep hills, so we would be at the top of one and look over rolling hills that were gorgeous mixtures of red,yellow,orange,purple and green.
We also did a bunch of shopping in various cities - which included a lot of walking . :P
On the way back we picked up my brother from college and I am looking forward to a big Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow night,and getting resettled back in the comfort of familiar surroundings.