September 29, 2005

Learning Turkish

Well on Monday I set out to learn some Turkish. I found a great little site that has lessons, tests, forums, and chat.The people there are so friendly, and willing to help you learn their language.So far I've learned that being from a different language family, the words and sentence structure are totally opposite. This makes it rather fun to learn as you have to approach it from a way different angle.One thing I find neat is that each letter only has one sound, compared to English that has many sounds for each letter.So if I once learn how to pronouce them, it will be fairly easy to sound out words.Now putting them in a sentence is another story altogether..

September 27, 2005

It is Well

When peace like a river attendeth my way,when sorrows like sea billows roll;whatever my lot Thou has taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul. Posted by Picasa

September 26, 2005

Its all for a reason

I want to tell you all something.You may be going through a really hard time right now. Maybe you feel that you can't do it anymore, or wonder 'why me'.Perhaps you wonder why God is allowing you to go through a trial or heartache.I've come up with two answers from what I've seen in my own short and relatively carefree life.
First, trials help us to grow as Christians.The more problems we encounter, the more we realize how inadequate we are to handle them ourselves.We need divine help, we need to learn to depend on and ask God for His work in our lives. A trial can be God's way of getting our attention back on Him instead of our own plans.
Second, God allows trials because through them we learn things to help others later on.I saw this again yesterday.The problems and stresses and heartaches I experienced as a teen my friend is now going through.I can totally relate, sympathize, and advise her since I have firsthand knowledge.
So remember that while you are questioning and complaining, God has a reason for letting this happen to you.That through this process you may become more and more like Christ, ultimately to God's glory.

September 24, 2005


Today is rainy,cold and damp.Lately several of my friends have been on my mind so I drove to a little park and just thought,prayed, and read some - you know I think I need to do that more often.When I take time to reflect I realize just how good God is to me, and how much He is teaching me all the time through reading,studying, friends, experiences.The more I talk to Christians, or browse Christian material, the more I realize just how little I do know.Right now I'm researching on premillenialism and amillenialism. There is so much out there on that, and both sides believe they are right.I think it will be a long process before I come to the conclusion of which side I am on.I just think it's time to stop believing something because I've always been taught it, and instead believe it because I have studied it and prayed about it and know it is the correct Biblical interpretation.If more Christians knew what they believed and why they believed it,we would see a difference in our churches.

An experimental experimentation

Well most of my friends were showing me their blogs and it looked like fun so I thought I'd give it a try.I don't know what I'll find to say but I guess I will dig up something. :p